If your travel plans have unexpectedly changed and you want to make a change to your booking or cancel your rental car, that's no problem at all. Please contact our customer service and they will check the availability for you. The change itself is free of charge. Please note that if you change the travel dates or the car type, the rental price may differ. Making a change is always subject to current availability.

Easy cancellation

When you select the option 'cancellation fee waiver' during the booking process, you can cancel your rental car free of charge up to 48 hours before departure. The full booking amount will then be refunded to your account. This way you can rent a car without a worry and pay only when you actually plan to use the car.

Cancellation within 48 hours before departure

When a car is cancelled within 48 hours before the pick-up time, we cannot refund the rental amount. Even when the cancellation fee waiver option is added to the car reservation.

Should you have to return the car earlier for (personal) reasons, you can ask for a refund from your travel or cancellation insurance. This is of course only possible if the cause is within the conditions of your insurance.